Firewise News Safety Uncategorized

We are a Firewise Community!

Arlington Heights is now a member of the national Firewise Program. The AHNA Board thanks and congratulates the neighbors, our Board Members and Portland Fire & Rescue staff who led the application process. Arlington Heights is the seventh Portland neighborhood to be recognized as a Firewise Community.

Heat waves and declining rainfall increase the likelihood of wildfires, and 80% of our neighborhood is forest. Firewise shows us how best to protect our homes from fire and helps us partner with agencies to reduce wildfire risks in our local wooded areas. Look here, in the AHNA Newsletter and on Nextdoor in Spring 2023 for invitations and information from Arlington Heights Firewise Committee. We’re all safer when we’re all involved.

Portland Fire & Rescue offers free exterior home assessments so you can learn how to reduce your home’s vulverability in a wildfire. You can request a home assessment here, learn about the program and how it benefits Arlington Heights. We hope you’ll get involved.